"He's mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horse's health, a boy's love, or a whore's oath," the Fool told Lear.On earmarks alone, Obama's campaign promise looks like 9,000 lies when measured against his new budget.
And he's truly mad that trusts in the promise of a presidential candidate to quell earmarks.
So Maureen was mad because she trusted the candidate. (We're awaiting word on the wolf, the horse, the boy and the whore.) Her brief insight into the mental dysfunction that is her mind, however, was short lived. By the end of her analysis, she unwittingly proves herself to be little more than a knave.
She criticizes Obama's Chief, Rahm Emanuel, for his disingenuous defense of the earmarks as just old business. In her eyes, Emanuel is just blaming someone else.
Blame it on the stars, Rahm, or on old business. But as Shakespeare wrote in "Lear": "This is the excellent foppery of the world, that, when we are sick in fortune — often the surfeits of our own behavior — we make guilty of our own disasters, the sun, the moon, and the stars."As we said before: Poor Maureen. She is so busy blaming Obama and Emanuel that she's already forgotten who hired them. Just a hint: hope as she might, it wasn't the sun, the moon, nor the stars.
Alas, it's still a mad, mad world for our red-headed fop.
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