Friday, March 27, 2009

Game On!

There are almost too many good analogies from which to choose. Pinball machine. Headless chicken. Feckless mob. Keystone cops. Whichever you choose, Congress is showing itself in a very bad light. This deliberative body is anything but deliberative these days. Rushing around left and right (or, at least, left) without any real idea what they are actually doing, our representatives are thoughtlessly voting things into law sight unseen.

Claiming to avert supposed catastrophe, we got a mystery stimulus package which, upon reading, revealed specific protection for the now-maligned AIG bonuses. In fevered response to their own actions, our pitchfork wielding leaders moved to skewer their former beneficiaries. Says a member of the mob:
"You rush this thing to the floor. Nobody had time to review it," [Wisconsin Rep. Paul] Ryan said ..., adding that lawmakers "got conflicting advice on it" before the vote.
Vote! Quick! No! Time! To! Think! Aaaarrrggghhh!

And so it goes. But it's not over just yet. Reversing course yet again, our hapless supporter is having second thoughts (if we charitably presume - against all evidence - that there was ever a first thought):
"Now, that I know — which I didn't at the time — that this is unconstitutional, I wouldn't have voted the same way," Ryan said... .
At least he admits that he was acting like an idiot. Which would be reassuring, if it weren't for the realization that 1) the damage is done, 2) he is only one of many pin heads balls and 3) there is no shortage of quarters to be pumped into the machine.

Game on!

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