Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hope and Change ... Somewhere Else

For those who look back at the last month and can't believe we just turned over our wallets, our keys, and our children's futures to a group of amatures, we are reminded (h/t: kausfiles) of this sad fact about various hotbeds of the new hope and change fiasco that got us here:
Once a primary destination for Americans, L.A. – along with places like Detroit, New York and Chicago – now suffers among the highest rates of out-migration in the country.
What does it say about a people who votes into national office the same party that has so miserably failed it at home?

Okay, NY isn't technically run by a Democrat; Bloomberg is an Independent. Does that make him the poster-boy for post-partisan politics?

UPDATE: Mrs. Swift reminds us of the consequences of socialism, specifically the rampant growth of envy. During Communism, a popular Polish joke went something like this: A Pole is asked by his fairy godmother to wish for anything that he wants, with the qualification that his neighbor will get twice as much. The old Pole thinks for a moment and replies: "Nothing!"

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